CRC at COP28
The last CRC newsletter shared details of the Coral Restoration Consortium’s presence at COP28 and what happened at the exciting launch of The CRC Storytelling Hub. If you missed it, you can find it here!
Below are a few descriptions, and links when available, for the COP28 panels and events that included CRC and Tali Vardi.
Event: The CRC Storytelling Hub Launch with The Commonwealth
The press release from The Commonwealth, CRC’s partner in the launch, offers additional coverage of the event.
Event: The CRC Storytelling Hub Film Screening
The first films created for the CRC Storytelling Hub were screened at the Ocean Pavilion on Ocean Day at COP28 on a giant, high-definition screen.
Panel: A Solutions Toolbox to Save Coral Reefs
A presentation of the array of science, financial, political, and community-based tools being developed and implemented to save coral reefs and discuss the still critical needs for climate neutrality, mitigating loss and damage of reefs and increased global coordination to meet this critical challenge.
Panel: Coral Conservation in the Red Sea
A video link is not available
Organized by: Coral Vita and Start-Up Nation Central Trailblazing reef scientists and management experts to discuss the shared management of these ecosystems across international borders.
Panel: Full Steam Ahead: Womens’ Leadership in Ocean Science
Hear more from leaders in the field and the challenges and opportunities that lie in climate action.
Unheard Voices: Emerging Leadership in Coral Conservation and Restoration from the Global South
Video Link here
The countries on the frontlines of coral reef degradation are often developing or low-income countries. They are leading coral conservation and restoration efforts while dealing with the impacts of climate change.
Channel News Asia Coral kickstart: Reefs get injection of funds at COP28 to stave off extinction
Hong Kong Free Press ‘Minor’ bleaching recorded at Hong Kong’s reefs but coral remains generally healthy, annual survey finds
The National News 0 UAE team wins $1m funding boost for climate-busting corals plan
Grant will support key research being carried out by New York University Abu Dhabi
BY PETER THOMSON, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean and co-chair of Friends of Ocean Action at the World Economic Forum.
TC Reef Fund in BBC News Coral reef: How divers are using antibiotics to save sick corals
Authors: Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, William Skirving, Sophie G. Dove, Blake L. Spady, Andrew Norrie, Erick F. Geiger, Gang Liu, Jacqueline L. De La Cour, And Derek P. Manzello
Yale Climate Connections These cryopreserved baby corals are the first to reach adulthood Deep-frozen corals are growing up. Could the futuristic technique eventually save dying reefs?
CRF - The Verge How humans are engineering the future of coral reefs - (includes a fantastic video featuring Phanor Montoya-Maya and other CRC friends!)
MOTE - Mote Marine discovers huge potential in corals that thrived in this summer's super-heated seas
NOAA Fisheries - $1 Million Available for Coral Restoration Projects in Honor of Coral Researcher Dr. Ruth D. Gates