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CRC EIG Stakeholder Meeting: Ring-Mount Unitary Nursery and Rapid-Planting Solutions - Nov. 30th


Updated: Nov 29, 2023

The Coral Restoration Consortium’s (CRC) Engineering and Innovation working group (EIG) invites you to our last stakeholder meeting of the year.

Topic: Ring-Mount Unitary Nursery and Rapid-Planting Solutions

Speaker: Dr. Andrew Ross, Seascape Caribbean

Date: Thursday, November 30th

Time: 1 pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 576 924 7847

Passcode: 204568

The goal of the EIG is to improve opportunities for collaboration between coral restoration practitioners and industry professionals while increasing awareness of existing, new, and developing innovations for coral restoration. These quarterly stakeholder meetings serve as a way to build awareness of existing and emerging tools and technologies, to create a forum for sharing EIG and CRC updates, and to network with others in the field.

We are delighted to announce that our next stakeholder presenter will be Dr. Andrew Ross.

Andrew M. Ross Ph.D. is a coastal ecosystems expert specializing in the propagative culture and enhancement of corals and coral reefs, and the restoration of coral reef ecosystem services. A consultant-contractor with Seascape Caribbean since 2008, he is forever adapting and streamlining methods for efficiencies and trainability towards those ecosystem-service scales, and economies of scale. To this, Dr. Ross provides several inventions to the field, including proprietary ring-mount unitary nursery and rapid-planting solutions. These include the Horticultural Ring Mount and Silvicultural Ring Mount.

  1. The Horticultural Ring Mount (HRM) is a secure, unitary & rapid-planting solution intended for branching acroporid corals from on a drop-line nursery system; however, it has broad application through nursery systems and species so long as the morphology has thinner access regions and a life cycle including a natural propensity to self-attach through substrate overgrowth. The HRM is quickly, lightly secured to the to-be-planted coral approximately 6-weeks prior to planting, and the on-nursery coral incorporates the HRM’s securing structures into its skeletal structure, leaving the ring portion of the HRM exposed for outplanting with a masonry screw.

  2. The Silvicultural Ring Mount (SRM) is a combined nursery-holding+planting solution for very small corals/coral fragments, nubbin, or microfragments, intending only to heal and headstart that coral isolate as preparation for planting with a masonry screw. Although developed for A. palmata restoration at the reef crest and high-energy applications generally, this system has proven operable with other acroporids, branching and mounding Porites, Madracis, and fire corals (Millepora) so far, with trails in massive morphologies Orbicella and Montastrea in the coming months. Furthermore, we are currently seeking funding and/or collaboration to adapt the SRM to sexual/spawning restoration.

If this is of your interest, please join the scheduled zoom meeting above and feel free to invite others.

Photo: Andrew Ross

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